
Is The Human Centipede A Real Story? Let’s Find Out…

Is The Human Centipede A Real Story? Let’s Find Out…

Despite being repulsive, the Human Centipede movies have sparked a strong interest in the twisted and gory world of body horror. If you are aware, you are aware; if not, you are probably more adjusted than the majority of us. The Human Centipede is a trilogy of films directed by Tom Six that were released in 2009, 2011, and 2015. The films are well-recognized for being obscene and disgusting. It tells the tale of three people whose automobile breaks down and leaves them imprisoned by a crazy German surgeon. This surgeon has an evil, depraved ambition to subject those three victims to a variety of cruel forms of torture before turning them into human centipedes. 

Wondering If The Human Centipede Real? Well…

You may wonder how he intends to accomplish that. Of course, he joins them via their digestive tracts! To put it simply, he sews them together from mouth to anus while they are on their hands and knees. 

Is The Human Centipede Real? Probably…

However, did you realize that a horrifying historical event served as the inspiration for The Human Centipede? It may seem unbelievable that a film of so heinous a kind could have any real basis after reading the synopsis, but it does! The Human Centipede originated from a joke between Tom Six and his buddies and the horrible past of Nazi Germany.

Is The Human Centipede Based On A Real Story? 

Some extremely dubious physicians and surgeons were using victims in concentration camps for experimentation during the Nazi regime in Germany. Dr. Josef Mengele was one of these medical professionals in particular. The Chicago Tribune claims that Mengele is charged with the murder of almost 400,000 Jews at Auschwitz over two years. Thirty survivors testified during a hearing at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem, detailing the atrocities Mengele would do. 

Only because these survivors were twins do they still survive today. Eugenics, which Mengele practiced, is a collection of methods whose primary objective is to increase the genetic quality of the human population. Usually, this is accomplished by eliminating or rejecting populations deemed to be “inferior.” Twins were the ideal subject for eugenicists since their differences stemmed only from conduct rather than heredity. In the end, this indicates that they believed selective breeding might eliminate traits they considered undesirable. We may conclude that Mengele was a real piece of work based on the evidence provided.

In their testimonies, the survivors described some of the atrocities committed by Mengele. One of those involved removing a baby from its mother’s womb and placing the unborn child in an oven because it wasn’t a twin. Another described him as a nasty muralist who would glue eyeballs to the wall. Many of Mengele’s survivors suffered from severe trauma, often to the point of permanent disfigurement. In an attempt to mimic conjoined twins, Mengele was known to attempt forced sterilization, inject illnesses, amputate limbs, and even sew twins together. 

The Human Centipede Was Inspired By A Joke

Tom Six confirmed to IndieWire that he intended to make an uneasy movie. Mr. Six, that is the understatement of the year! He credits the film’s success and popularity to being a novel and innovative concept that isn’t a slasher or ghost story. Six stated in a Guardian interview that he lacks morality, and the contents of The Human Centipede trilogy serve as a clear example of this. Another joke between him and a friend served as the impetus for The Human Centipede. In a very Tom Six vein, the joke in question is as heinous as the movie itself. 

In that joke, it is said that being sewed to the anus of an obese truck driver would be the ultimate punishment for a child molester.

If The Human Centipede Is Based On A True Story, Then What Does It Convey? 

It may be challenging to comprehend that The Human Centipede is a more complex movie due to its sensationalism. It’s a bit hard to force critical thought when you see a monstrosity on screen and then lines of “feed her!” knowing full well what’s going to happen. The Human Centipede’s opening sequence examines impurity in great detail—and not just because of the intestinal content. The Nazi leadership and physicians only addressed the issue of impurity and how they felt it was necessary to eradicate it. While the Nazis considered anyone who was not a member of the “master race” to be immoral, Six addressed the idea that their past was tainted and full of monsters.

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