
A Tragic End for Candy Montgomery’s Lawyer, Don Crowder

Don Crowder had never handled a criminal case before Candy Montgomery’s murder trial. 

Initially, Don Crowder was a former football player who went on to become a lawyer in 1970. Although Don Crowder was a successful lawyer, he had never handled a criminal trial before becoming Candy Montgomery’s attorney. 

Candy Montgomery’s Murder Trial

Candy Montgomery was prosecuted for the murder of her friend, Betty Gore, after she murdered her by hitting an axe 41 times in 1980. Candy Montgomery’s attorney, Don Crowder, defended her with the utmost empathy and audacity despite facing hatred and criticism from society. During the trial, Don Crowder had to resort to unconventional methods and strategies, including hypnosis, polygraph tests, and expert testimony, to win the trial. 

Don Crowder went to all lengths just to impeccably defend Candy Montgomery by hiring a psychiatrist, putting Candy on the stand, and using all of his unconventional theatrics to convince the jury that Candy Montgomery was the victim of a violent attack by Betty Gore. In the courtroom, Don Crowder was known for his intrepid demeanor and his sheer tenacity. During the trial, he fought with the judges and clashed with the prosecution, which led to his being jailed for 4 days for contempt of court. 

Facing all the scrutiny, trials, and tribulations, Dow Crowder, as the attorney for Candy Montgomery, was successful in getting her acquitted of the murder case by arguing that Candy acted in self-defense. Surprisingly, Don’s theatrics and unconventional strategies worked out, and he was able to win the case as Candy was not found guilty, shocking the public and the media.

Nevertheless, this case became a milestone in Don Crowder’s legal career. On the contrary, many people reportedly questioned, “How could he defend a criminal, a murderer?”

After managing to get Candy Montogomery acquitted, Don Crowder’s life took a downward turn as his life and career were plunged into turmoil. After Candy Montgomery’s trial, he faced severe backlash from the public. As his wife recalled, “Don got threats” after the trial. 

Facing Backlash After the Trial

The people and acquaintances in Don Crowder’s life avoided sitting beside him during football games. However, amidst all the backlash and criticism, Crowder decided to run for governor of Texas, but in the end, he lost. Later, in 1991, Don Crowder also opened a sports bar called Gameday Sports Cafe. 

So Later On, Why Did Don Crowder Kill Himself? 

In the late 1990s, Crowder had to shut his business down as he was on the verge of bankruptcy. His life spiralled out of control, and soon, his mental health deteriorated as he suffered from depression, alcoholism, and severe episodes of bipolar disorder. Moreover, his brother’s sudden demise took a toll on him, too, as he was not able to attend his funeral. 

On November 10, 1998, Don Crowder took his own life and died by suicide. Don shot himself in the head, leaving behind his second wife, along with his four children and grandchildren. 

Don Crowder’s Obituary And Legacy

Don Crowder’s obituary describes him as a “loving husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend” who had a “zest for life” and a “heart of gold.”.

He was a complex and controversial figure whose suicide was a tragic end to his life marked by success and failure, happiness and devastation. His personality and legacy still remain a subject of debate, as he played an integral role in one of the most sensational murders in American history. 



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