
Rosa Peral: Unwinding facts about Rosa Peral’s Daughters and their Father

In the world of true crime, some cases stand out not just because of the chilling details but for the sheer amount of media attention they receive, which at times jumbles up the narrative. Rosa Peral’s case is one such story — a complex tale of love, betrayal and the consequences it has on the lives of everyone involved.


 Recently the topic of a Netflix documentary dubbed Rosa Peral’s Tapes, the enigma of this murder-mystery is decoded in light of Rosa’s perspective. At the heart of this story are Rosa Peral’s daughters, Emma and her unnamed sibling, whose lives would forever change due to the choices of their mother. We’ll discuss Rosa’s intricate relationship with their father in detail.

Who was Rosa Peral’s Daughters’ Father?

It all began when Rosa Peral, 16 at the time, first crossed paths with Ruben inside of a nightclub. Even though she had initially declined his advances, they soon began talking and found comfort in each other’s company. It was with Ruben that Rosa conceived her two daughters, transforming themselves into a model nuclear family. 


Everything seemed fine at first, but the idyllic romance soon began to unravel. Rosa was a policewoman and had started an alleged affair with her work partner, Albert Lopez. This, along with another affair with a sub-inspector named Oscar had done irreparable damage to her relationship with Ruben. They separated as Rosa grew closer to Albert, all the while keeping her daughters with her, looking after them with commitment.


A Glimpse of Stability: Pedro Rodriguez 

Although she liked Albert a lot but would not choose to stay with him for long — the reason for which she mentions in the Netflix documentary. Apparently, Albert did not want to settle down, whereas Rosa already had two daughters for whom she cared a lot for. At around this time, she met Pedro Rodriguez, a man who was not only attracted to Rosa but was eager to connect with her daughters as well. Hence, Rosa saw a glimmer of stability in Pedro and decided to settle down with him. 


Pedro shared an increasingly affectionate relationship with Rosa’s daughters, he was extremely caring and had even taken the pair to a skiing trip just around two months before his demise. He respected Ruben’s role as the biological father of the Peral daughters and was affectionately referred to as “Titi ” by the two kids. But, all of this would soon come to an end.


Threats, Testimonies and Allegations 

Pedro Rodriguez was killed in April 2017 and Rosa was charged with his murder based on evidence and testimonies. The case does get somewhat confusing at this point because there are a lot of factors at play. Albert Lopez had started threatening Rosa which ultimately led her to make some decisions that would later become crucial in the investigation. 


Apparently, Rosa and Albert were still in contact even after Rosa had settled down with Pedro. The primary testimony brought forth in the trial was of Antonia, Ruben’s partner at the time- according to her, Rosa’s minor daughter had seen Pedro intoxicated in the house, which would’ve been Rosa’s doing. Although Rosa’s daughter did not testify against her, the jury was convinced that she was guilty alongside Albert. She was given a 25 year sentence. 


Rosa vehemently denies the accusations in the documentary, asserting that Antonia had fabricated the information as she had not been on good terms with Rosa. The case definitely was more complex than it seemed as there was apparently no solid evidence of Rosa and Albert conspiring to murder Pedro during their correspondences. 


What became of Rosa Peral’s Daughters? 

As the public eye turns toward Rosa Peral’s daughters, one must remember that behind all the headlines and sensationalism, there are real people navigating the aftermath of a terrible tragedy. As of today, Emma would be 12 years old and her unnamed sister would be around 10, both have been shielded from the prying eyes of the public due to the agitating nature of the case. The intricacies of their mother’s relationships and weight of the allegations that followed have undoubtedly left an ineradicable mark on their lives.


What lies ahead for Rosa Peral? 

Although Rosa is unlikely to be released from jail before 2042, yet reports suggest that she consistently remains in contact with her daughters. It is assumed that they have been living with either they’re grandparents or their father, but whatever is the case, the good thing is that they’re safe.


In the complex collage of Rosa’s case, her daughter’s represent the untold chapters. They remain the silent witnesses to a story that continues to baffle people till this day. One can only hope that the scars they’ve acquired throughout this ordeal can be healed through the passive ointment of time. 

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