
5 Best Samurai Movies of the 21st Century—On Netflix!

An action-packed category giving birth to incredible films that deal with extraordinary circumstances and explore the society and cultural landscapes of the Japanese community. The samurai genre in Japanese cinema has given some of the best moments, illustrating dramatic and thrilling action-packed sequences and often examining the dark and daring aspects of the society and culture they were born.

In the US, they had a fondness for cowboys. In Europe, they allured medieval knights and bishops; in Japan, they have the samurai legend. Arguably, the best and the most influential movies have originated from Japan – notably the golden era of Japanese Samurai movies during the 1950s and 1960s.

With exceptional story-telling and extraordinary martial arts abilities with clans of talented and skilled swordsmen in handcrafted costumes – there is so much depth and discovery to be made in the magnificent samurai genre. Cinema has expressed its fondness for the tales of samurai and their mythical fables and characters, portraying honor and bloodshed with compelling tales and epic cinematography. 

Here’s a guide to the best samurai movies of the 21st century and all these best samurai movies that can be easily streamed on Netflix too.

47 Ronin (2013)

Starring Keanu Reeves, Kai, a half-Japanese, half-English outcast, is found and adopted by the fallen lord, who is on the hunt to seek revenge alongside his newfound brothers. It can be argued that there are much better movies in terms of the storyline; however, 47 Ronin makes its way into the list of the best samurai movies. The movie mainly focuses on a white protagonist, a loyal samurai who embarks on a journey to avenge their lord.

47 Ronin is an entertaining watch, and it’s one of the best samurai movies available on Netflix.

The Last Samurai (2003)

Apparently, the reason to add this movie to your bucket list is to see one of Hollywood’s best and finest actors, Tom Cruise, as a samurai warrior, and it is quite unusual for him to be starring in a completely different role other than fighter pilots and international spies.

Probably one of the best non-Japanese-produced Samurai movies, The Last Samurai follows Nathan Algren (Tom Cruise), an American soldier hired by the Japanese to train their soldiers and fight the Samurai in the rebellion. Surprisingly, Nathan changes sides and pleads his allegiance with the Samurai as he is taught the way of their dying culture.

Ken Watanabe also stars as Lord Katsumoto, the leader of the rebellion who is in charge of teaching and training Nathan Algren.

Arguably, The Last Samurai is considered to be among the best non-Japanese samurai movies, and it’s available to binge-watch on Netflix.

The Last Ronin (2010)

The Last Ronin explores the aftermath of the revenge saga that took place in the popular Samurai story, 47 Ronin. The Last Ronin picks up 16 years after the samurai brothers were successful in avenging their lord. Instead of focusing on their quest for revenge, the lone samurai survivor travels the country to pay a visit to each of the families of his fallen brothers.

The movie thoroughly examines the character study throughout the story arc, and audiences who are fond of legendary creatures and warriors will be hooked to this thought-provoking examination of the samurai lifestyle.

This movie easily falls into the category of being one of the best Japanese movies in recent times.

Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai (2011)

The first Harakiri, released in the 1960s, is considered to be one of the greatest samurai movies of all time and has had tremendous influence on the samurai genre as a whole. Remakes oftentimes cannot be easy to execute. Still, this one did justice to the original story as it updated the classic tale for a modern audience and made the transition feel timeless.

Hara-Kiri: Death of a Sumarai narrates the tale of a samurai who arrives at the Lord’s estate and asks if he may sanction ritual suicide on a man’s property.

The Twilight Samurai (2002)

The highly praised Japanese movie was nominated for the Oscars and engraved its name in one of the best samurai movies of all time. The film centers more on emotional drama and compelling romance than straight-up action. Hiroyuki Sanada, as Seibei, a hero greatly influenced by Stoic philosophy, tries to keep his family from breaking apart during turbulent times.

The Twilight Samurai illustrated the story of a low-ranking samurai who lives with a peaceful wife and two daughters. Soon, he discovers and connects with his childhood sweetheart, but his samurai code is an obstacle that threatens to keep them apart.

One of the best samurai movies available to stream on Netflix.


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